Three key actions for eliminate a pest at home

Sanitation is a technique to destroy pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungi) by spraying and spraying chemicals. This is to maintain the levels of microbial contamination within the limits considered acceptable from the point of view of health.

The household disinfection is often chemical agents that are toxic to microorganisms, but have minimal impact to humans and the environment. Microdifusor by an apparatus, the disinfectant is emitted fragmented into very small droplets which are distributed uniformly through all the points of the house.

The main advantages of this environmental disinfection are:

Makes a homogeneous distribution of the disinfectant to reach all surfaces of the housing.
Removes all microorganisms, even the most resistant.
They use a variety of products with high efficiency and versatility, which are not harmful to humans.

The spraying technique is a more aggressive disinfection is applied to control household pests and crops. The method of spraying in homes or indoor environments based on the application of a gas (such as methyl bromide), which is very harmful to health. Thus, after performing the fumigation process, measure the level of toxicity in the environment to see if the house can be inhabited again.

High temperatures and humidity favor the development of microorganisms. Why disinfecting filters and gratings appliances air conditioning helps eliminate the bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease, a disease that has affected in recent years a large number of people.

Disinfection companies gradually replace chemical pesticides (biocides) by other methods with equal effectiveness, but low impact on the environment and health. Disinsection aims to eliminate insects, for which we must take into account several factors:

Recognize the type of arthropod.
Determine their distribution, life history, behavior and estimate their density.
Choosing a specific pesticide and perform the treatment at the place where the pest is more sensitive.

Always attempts to use the least amount of chemical insecticide to kill insect pests and, if possible, and gels are used pheromone traps, with respect to the environment and the health of people.

The wood-eating insects can cause major damage to furniture, beams, and even building structures. The wood attack by these insects no visible symptoms on the outside. It is therefore essential to identify the species (woodworm, termite ...) and conduct a comprehensive study on the most suitable treatment for each case.

Before treatment, the homes are subjected to detailed inspection to find possible ways of entry of rodents. The aims deratting removing rats and mice from a particular place to minimize the impact on the man. It can be understood from two different aspects:

Deratting passive defense is the technique that prevents rodents enter, live and proliferate in the home.

The active rodent control: integrated by physical, chemical and biological. Your goal is to control rodent populations.

Rodents, besides destroying huge amounts of food and crops, and cause damage to the home, are responsible for the transmission of many diseases

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