know your enemy if you want to get rid - Rats

Plagues of rats, know your enemy if you want to get rid of it

The rats and / or mice travel around the world, and trust are resistant to heat and boats have become the best means of transportation for them.

The adaptability of the rats and their attraction to waste, become assiduous visitors and inhabitants of landfills and sewers, but also of gardens and countryside.

Although there are rodents that cause rejection of the collective unconscious with just name them, are not created exquisite ... prefer sweets, dairy, meats and grains away ... so you are a frequent presence in homes.
Not only transmitted diseases but, and this is an aspect that is not commonly known, the rats produced the deterioration of housing, rodents are destructive .

And if, as we mentioned, droppings and debris left in its wake, to contact people carry diseases that can be of high severity.

If we determined that we have the invaluable visit these rodents, the best we can do is keep household cleaning, use disinfectants and seals for food sources and of course for trash

The best way to prevent rats nest in our homes is to be very careful with the trash, always covered and insulated.

Similarly, special attention to the gardens , where they feel at home so the invites to proliferate, which make very frequent, avoid careless herbs, bushes and shrubs too big and lush and the accumulation of waste they are attractive to rodents.

Finally, do not forget that a pest is always an issue related to health, so enlist the help of a professional team, is the best decision to get rid of "those damn rodents" Remember Tom and Jerry?

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Plagues of rats and mice: associated diseases and recommendations to combat

Plagues of rats and mice: associated diseases and recommendations to combat

Just 22 days gestation are necessary for the reproduction of rats and mice, give birth between 8 and 10 pups more and they can reproduce once a month.

Rats are starting to be annoying at night when everything gnaw at your fingertips , leaving traces of excrement wherever he goes and having fun especially where there is food.

But it becomes harmful when we know their natural habitat where they live when it is not in our homes, drains, sewers and landfills, are the favorite places for rodents, so we can imagine that they are powerful transmitters of diseases that in some cases, can be very harmful and even fatal infections caused by transmission. 's the time of pest control .

Among the most prominent diseases are Ebola, hantavirus, rabies, tuberculosis and hepatitis, among others of similar gravity and less frequently.

Transmission is through rodent droppings are deposited by all parties by passing, specifically the urine that is transmitted by breathing air infected people.

The initial symptoms are fever, malaise and nasal bleeding. If these symptoms we add the fact the power of procreation, find the reasons behind the recommendation that he leave then.

Rats and mice are very dangerous and harmful to health , due to gravity and lack of treatments for the diseases they transmit, they are considered a major pest to treat.

DETECTION rats or mice
If you find that you have a plague of mice or rats, do not hesitate to consult a specialist, who - after carrying out a study on the type of rat or mouse that has invaded their space methods applied are there in the industry today and its new technologies, Clamps, electronics, etc..

And meanwhile ... routinely disinfect spaces that may have traveled a mouse, keep children away from infected stays and, if possible, do not forget the "Grandma's advice" par excellence, put a cat in life ... the presence of felines repels rats and mice.

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Control of a plague of Rats

Control a rat infestation is no easy task, and in most cases require the assistance of a qualified, specialized companies in desratizar.

Control methods of a plague of rats are varied. We can distinguish two groups: chemical methods and chemical methods.

Non-chemical methods include the classic traps for rats and mice, trying to block any access to the affected area, use ultrasound to scare away rodents, etc..

Chemical methods focus on the use of poisonous substances for rats and mice, rodenticides, rats or kills the known rodenticides. There are many products rodenticides in different forms: liquid, granules, blocks, etc.. Their effectiveness varies from one to another, but always be more effective slow acting those products. An example are the rodenticides, rat poison, anticoagulants. This product affects the blood coagulation resulting in the death of the rodent bait far, and therefore, without the rest of the animal arrives at death associated with the presence of said bait. Some products of this type are: Brodifacoum and Flocoumafen. Baits should be placed in the walkways, driveways usually busy, and anywhere near nesting.

EXTERMINATE rats and mice

We used warfarin sometimes a poison that kills rats, but for genetic reasons some are resistant to the substance and after being exposed to it survive, multiply and transmit that gene to other generations. Therefore be investigated in new substances that rats do not generate this resistance.

Rats have a negative responsiveness to unfamiliar foods.

To control pests is very useful to use snap traps and glue boards baited helping to exterminate rodents. The bait mousetraps are made permanent with anticoagulant baits, begin to take effect from the 4th day, but from ingest the bait there is a loss of vitality perceived movements in rats. These products contain the trap are less harmful to humans (children) and pets, toxicity is related to the weight of consuming it, are made with a bitter substance that makes it unacceptable for humans, leading a special ink that stains the mucus of children and pets in case of ingestion is discovered visually and combat with vitamin K. 

 The trap of glue boards continuous tray adhesive is a non-toxic, rat where the tread is retained, may be used in bait depositing half of the tray. Place the trap on the road regularly used by or near rodent nests or mousetraps. It is known that in some places, Rats tend to drag their food into the corners, where they eat, they are forced priming points.

 Is important to ward off rats eliminating sources of food and garbage inside the home, pet store food and seeds in airtight plastic and hard. Put screens on windows and doors open normally, whenever mansard roofs are not allowed to plant vines or trees access to the roof.

Rats are animals that transmit many diseases attacking pets, poultry, and occasionally humans. They do it through their droppings, urine, saliva and bites. Where diseases or agents thereof and evolve become active within the rat. Diseases that are transmitted rats Leptospirosis, Rabies, You had, Trichinosis.

There are any number of diseases spread by rodents be large vectors of parasites such as lice, fleas and mites. The most common are: bubonic plague and endemic typhus vesicular rickettsiosis. For the simple mechanical transmission (drag), rodents can spread many diseases, hepatitis, typhoid, tuberculosis and others. Become infected when kept contact with contaminated materials from the disease (garbage, feces, etc..).

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Tips to keep the house clean

The average profile of the client requesting the services of pest control companies corresponds mostly to young women living in cities. They are more concerned with household disinfection, especially if they are pregnant or have young children.

Dogs, cats or other pets are prone to attack by fleas, ticks and chiggers. Use specific shampoos, collars change regularly so assiduous or mow the bushes and lawn are effective remedies to prevent pests. The food and animal feed must be packed in tightly closed metal containers stored at some point and never outdoors.

To prevent pests should take extra hygiene measures, ventilate the house, throwing spoiled food or expired and not leave food scraps on countertops or scattered around the house. It should also observe the waste accumulation areas, weeds or debris near the home and give notice to the cleaning services to be picked up.

Tips to keep the house clean
  • To prevent pests must be taken to keep the house clean, neat and airy. To do this, at least once a month, should do a thorough cleaning.
  • A house is not a store, so it is convenient to throw everything that is not used or not used.
  • Save boxes clothes, shoes, books and other supplies that are not used often.
  • Pass the vacuuming and dusting every corner (baseboards, door frames, lamps, curtains, carpets, and even mattresses) to kill the mites.
  • Clean the glass windows and mopping the floors.
  • Disinfect with diluted bleach baths (especially, the toilet and bathtub) and kitchen (with special attention to the oven, the microwave and the hood).
  • Empty the refrigerator and clean it thoroughly inside (shelves, racks and freezer) with warm water and mild soap.

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Three key actions for eliminate a pest at home

Sanitation is a technique to destroy pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungi) by spraying and spraying chemicals. This is to maintain the levels of microbial contamination within the limits considered acceptable from the point of view of health.

The household disinfection is often chemical agents that are toxic to microorganisms, but have minimal impact to humans and the environment. Microdifusor by an apparatus, the disinfectant is emitted fragmented into very small droplets which are distributed uniformly through all the points of the house.

The main advantages of this environmental disinfection are:

Makes a homogeneous distribution of the disinfectant to reach all surfaces of the housing.
Removes all microorganisms, even the most resistant.
They use a variety of products with high efficiency and versatility, which are not harmful to humans.

The spraying technique is a more aggressive disinfection is applied to control household pests and crops. The method of spraying in homes or indoor environments based on the application of a gas (such as methyl bromide), which is very harmful to health. Thus, after performing the fumigation process, measure the level of toxicity in the environment to see if the house can be inhabited again.

High temperatures and humidity favor the development of microorganisms. Why disinfecting filters and gratings appliances air conditioning helps eliminate the bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease, a disease that has affected in recent years a large number of people.

Disinfection companies gradually replace chemical pesticides (biocides) by other methods with equal effectiveness, but low impact on the environment and health. Disinsection aims to eliminate insects, for which we must take into account several factors:

Recognize the type of arthropod.
Determine their distribution, life history, behavior and estimate their density.
Choosing a specific pesticide and perform the treatment at the place where the pest is more sensitive.

Always attempts to use the least amount of chemical insecticide to kill insect pests and, if possible, and gels are used pheromone traps, with respect to the environment and the health of people.

The wood-eating insects can cause major damage to furniture, beams, and even building structures. The wood attack by these insects no visible symptoms on the outside. It is therefore essential to identify the species (woodworm, termite ...) and conduct a comprehensive study on the most suitable treatment for each case.

Before treatment, the homes are subjected to detailed inspection to find possible ways of entry of rodents. The aims deratting removing rats and mice from a particular place to minimize the impact on the man. It can be understood from two different aspects:

Deratting passive defense is the technique that prevents rodents enter, live and proliferate in the home.

The active rodent control: integrated by physical, chemical and biological. Your goal is to control rodent populations.

Rodents, besides destroying huge amounts of food and crops, and cause damage to the home, are responsible for the transmission of many diseases

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Tips to eliminate a pest at home - save considerable time

Disinfection can save considerable time healthcare costs, economic and environmental

Pest, disease-carrying

All pests are potential contaminants and, in many cases, can transmit diseases to the inhabitants of a house. A clogged drain, a bad crack sealed , accumulation of garbage and spoiled food or poor hygiene are often the gateway for insects and rodents from entering the home . If you consider that these animals carry in your digestive tract, skin and paws, pathogenic, which may be deposited on food and everyday objects, the risk to the health of the people is more than evident.

A clogged drain or a poorly sealed crack can be the gateway of insects and rodents
In a globalized society, where physical boundaries are no obstacle to the expansion of harmful species, it is essential to control pests effectively. Increased tourism and international trade liberalization in recent years have allowed many pathogens crossing continents as easily as people. The work of companies disinfection and pest control is critical because timely action can save substantial healthcare costs, economic and environmental.

How to act

Professionals in the field of disinfection of houses argue that to achieve the effectiveness of a pest control must take into account three aspects:

They should make a diagnosis of the area affected by the pest to identify and classify the species to be fighting.

They have to identify the factors conducive to their development and inspecting critical control points.
We need to establish the necessary remedial measures:

Physical measures to prevent the entry of insects and rodents and an optimal level of cleanliness to prevent the spread of the pest.

Biological measures: use products that ensure biological pest control.

Chemical measures: use different compounds which are chosen according to the characteristics of the surface in question, the plague that is to combat the conditions of temperature and moisture, etc.

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Ten rules to prevent pests at home

Ants and their sweet tooth 
The most common species, the garden ant, not usually carry diseases. Anyway, as it is impossible to know where they've been looking for food before going into our kitchens, it is important to follow a series of steps to prevent their walks pantry. We should note that most ants come into our homes in search of food, attracted by the sweet, therefore we must avoid letting them leeway to get it. This is achieved by covering all food, cleaning up any spills immediately or leftover food and especially well by sealing garbage bags. Furthermore, it must collect food scraps from pets end up as dinner. 

Bedbugs move using our pockets 
This pest is becoming a major problem in many developed countries, given their rapid expansion and difficult treatment. Your access to homes is usually produced using clothing or furniture inside as transportation, so we must take special care not to facilitate their movement. Another of the most common ways to sneak into our homes is through the cavities that may be on the wall or the floor. So, the neighbor has bedbugs will have to be very careful and avoid letting any gaps that invite to enter. 

Cockroaches, carry disease 
This is one of the most common pests in homes and also may cause more diseases like salmonella, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever or asthma. As if this were not enough, emit an unpleasant smell that contaminates food and objects with which it comes in contact. 

His playing is so fast and resist both the need to act as swiftly as possible to prevent it from colonizing everything. First, seal all holes well that may be a gateway to home for these insects. But if there is one in the best way to kill them is to prevent access to food or water. So, it will be convenient to store food in airtight plastic containers, clean any food and be careful with storing dirty clothes. 

Repellents that emit ultrasound signals do not work with this pest and therefore not recommended for cockroaches disappear from our lives. 

Fleas, the best enemy of our pets 
Households with dogs or cats are especially likely to have fleas, so they require special protection measures. Vacuum carpets pet bedding, wash their beds every week at a temperature higher than 50th and place them in an area without more elements that can be source of contamination. 

Flies and mosquitoes: are attracted to light and food 
The annoying buzz of flies while trying to sleep, can become a major problem if some varieties of this species. So-called "house flies" may carry diseases such as salmonella, tuberculosis and cholera, although in our country is very rare its existence. 

Avoid leaving food to attract the eye or standing water where they can leave their larvae. In addition, it helps close the windows and doors when the sun goes down and the curtains so they do not come to light. 

Moths eat our clothes 
Although not pose a risk to human health, their presence in homes cause major damage to clothing, carpets and fabrics in their path. As the flies are attracted to the lights, so we try to keep the windows closed at night or cover them with nets. 

They love dirty laundry, so it is always better to wash before storing and, if it is not used for a long period of time, store it in special plastic bags. The surface beneath the furniture should be vacuumed regularly to remove their eggs. 

Wasps, careful, very careful 
Such insects can become a major threat, especially for people allergic to their bites. Getting depends not keep them out of our control, but we can try to be together but not mixed. 

To know where the swarm is located just have to become spies and observe the route they do when they return from peck of "blossoming flower". Having defined our goal, the first step is to ignore common sense and keep windows and doors closed near the nest either. 

If the wasps have already chosen, for example, the roof of our home to stay will have to be careful not to approach them or anything that may be interpreted as an attack. In this case we just call Rentokil professionals. 

Mice contortionists 
Not all mice are equally endearing Mickey Mouse. In fact, having a family of rodents as a tenant can cause major problems, even a house fire caused by the bites of these bugs. 

Wall up to the smallest gap is one of the first measures of prevention. Rodents have a very soft skeleton and are able to slip through the "eye of a needle." You should also avoid leaving food or debris that might attract feast to our account. 

As a preventive measure you can use devices that emit ultrasound, inaudible to humans, but very annoying to rodents. But do not think that this is a panacea because mice get acclimated quickly to these waves and, if they find attractive home, may become your next destination. Avoid this by keeping your home as clean as possible. 

Rats attract other pests 
For rats the plot thickens even further, to transmit serious diseases like tuberculosis and salmonella. They can carry other pests like fleas, ticks or mites. Therefore, their presence in our garden or inside the house can be a significant risk to the health of people and animals. 

The tips to follow are very similar to those discussed for mice. Consider that the larger size of these rodents does not stop them to slip through the gaps  most unexpected. A young rat is able to squeeze through a hole of less than 1 centimeter. You have to take special care in maintaining the pipes, since they serve as conduits broken driveway at home. 

Moles, explorers in our garden experts 
These small excavators are able to weave a vast network of underground tunnels, causing the appearance of mini volcanoes all over the garden soil. Little can be done to get the moles pass you by our lawn. In this case we have to change prevention by direct action when the problem has already appeared. In the market there are many products to control this pest, but experience shows that spraying Rentokil and traps are the only effective weapon to prevent our plots are full of underground highways.

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7 recipes to clean the house without chemicals

While the companies that manufacture cleaning products denials, several studies have suggested a connection between these products and certain health problems . So many people prefer to buy organic or green, but unfortunately these tend to cost more money and sometimes do not perform well. But cleaning does not have to be toxic or expensive: almost the whole house can be cleaned (and disinfected) with three or four common and inexpensive ingredients.

Dissolve three tablespoons of baking soda in two quarts of warm water. Add half a cup of vinegar and two teaspoons of pine essential oil. The combination of vinegar and baking soda is disinfectant and pine essential oil. If you need an antifungal solution, you can also add a teaspoon of essential oil of citronella and other essential oil of lavender . If you find it more convenient, you can make a larger quantity to bottle the mixture, you can save up to three months in a cool dark place. Shake the mixture well before using. The amounts of oil can be adjusted to your tastes, keeping at least 10 drops of each.

Bath and shower
Use the same mixture as flooring. To wash a tub or shower tiles moldy, wet the surface with the floor cleaner and then cover it with baking soda or borax, leave a few minutes and scrub with a sponge or brush.

Instead of buying a chemical cleaner for windows in your house, you can use water and sheets of newspaper. Dip a piece of newspaper and scrub the glass, then dry it with another sheet of dry newspaper.

If the glass is very soiled, you can use a sponge with soap or baking soda and water and then clean with newspaper.

To wash pots by hand, dissolve three tablespoons grated white soap in a gallon of water. Add half a cup of white vinegar and lemon juice. Dishwasher, put three tablespoons grated white soap in the soap container. Fill the rest of the container with vinegar and close the lid.

For pots or pots with food very stuck, first let them soak overnight, then friƩgalas with steel wool, pumice or some sand. This is not recommended for Teflon pots and pans. If you are using sand and you should not use the same wool with other vessels, especially those of Teflon, because sand usually stays in the pad.

To clean the stove or other kitchen surfaces, use hot, soapy water and a little vinegar , baking soda to scrub and lemon peel to dislodge fat.

Wooden furniture
To brighten up your furniture wood , mixing ten milliliters of lemon oil with a pint of vegetable oil. Moisten a soft cloth with this mixture and rub the wood. No need to use a lot! Lemon oil gives a pleasant smell and also disinfects the surface of the wood. So apart from make your furniture look, also cleans and protects. As it requires very little oil to clean the furniture, you can save what is left you in a recycled bottle for use at another time.

Instead of using commercial flavorings that damage the environment, consider one of the following options. To give a fresh scent to any room or to prevent odors in the bathroom:

Domestic natural pest control - Rat

When it comes to controlling household pests like ants, roaches, fleas and mice, cleaning is your best friend. Like any living thing, these creatures seek food and settle where to find it. If there is no food for them at home, there is much less temptation for them, and it's likely that they will search elsewhere.

Thoroughly clean the spaces where you keep the food as cabinets or stores. Also keep spaces clean under the stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc.. Keep garbage in tightly covered jars, if you feed birds or pet store it in containers that can be tightly sealed. Wash the dishes (including the pets) and kitchen surfaces (bar, stove, sink) before bedtime to get everything clean, so food is not tempting for roaches and mice, which are nocturnal. Pulling a little sugar or honey in the day, clean it immediately to avoid attracting ants, flies, wasps and other bugs that look sweet things.

In places with very high or low temperatures, insects and rodents can also enter your home looking for a more comfortable place where not too hot or cold.

Sella well your home, so you eliminate the places where they can get insects and rodents. That can be quite difficult, considering the size of ants, for example, and the fact that a mouse can fit through a hole an inch or less. So it may be better to go to an expert to do it effectively.

In some cases, it may be helpful to create a distraction, something to divert animals to a more attractive place for them. For example, if you have mice in the house and also have a large yard, you could serve to create a space for compost in the far corner of your yard. This will serve to make the mice will compost in search of food instead of getting to your house and, in the end, you will also have good fertilizer for your garden or plants in pots . Obviously, this strategy is not recommended in all situations; must analyze whether it is a good choice for you.

There are also ways to repel unwanted bugs using herbs or nontoxic products they do not like. Specific information on how to repel different types of pests found in this article , look for it under the name you want to repel insects.

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Fleas and ticks - very difficult to avoid

Fleas and ticks are very difficult to avoid, because there are usually people standing outside the house, and they are very resistant to pesticides. If you have a pet, wash with soap and warm water can help fully immerse (leaving his head out of the water, of course!) For five minutes to drown the fleas, as well wash your neck, head and ears (flea treated reaching the head because it is out of the water.) then dry it well and spray with an infusion of rosemary, citronella, or eucalyptus. To make the tea, you can use fresh or dried leaves, or not having access to the plant, you can add five drops of essential oil of any of these plants to a pint of warm water.

During flea season, hopes the house frequently and do not forget to wash your pet bed.

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Mosquitos - Mosquito - installing insect screen

Apart from installing insect screen, you can use citronella candles for mosquitoes not anywhere near the area. For the skin, there are several types of natural repellents you can buy, if you want something very strong can use creams for muscle pain as Tiger Balm (Tiger Balm) whose main ingredients are camphor and menthol. Eye! Do not use these creams on the face or other sensitive areas. Always follow the product directions.

To prevent mosquito breeding, prevents water from pooling around your house. Remove the containers and plastic bags , tires, buckets and other surfaces that can be filled with water from rain or dew. Keep the things you need in a roof or put them upside down so they do not collect water, what is garbage to be thrown away or buried, if for some reason this is impossible, can pierce to drain the water.

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Flies - invasion of flies in the yard

The best way to prevent flies and mosquitoes in the house is to install mesh screens on the doors and windows and ensure that this does not have holes. To treat an invasion of flies in the yard can use a trap. There are several styles that you can get at hardware stores or supermarkets, or you can make a homemade trap. The simplest is made ​​by cutting strips of recycled paper (can be paper, notebook paper, paper gift , etc.) and brushing with honey or syrup.

Another option is to cut the neck of a soda bottle, invert to form a funnel into the bottle and stick well, leaving something sweet in the bottle (you can leave some of the same drink.) So flies enter through the funnel but can not find the exit. If you do not like seeing all the dead flies that accumulate in the bottle, you can paint the bottom half of the bottle of black or other opaque paint used. It is important to let the top unpainted because flies fly into the light. If you paint the entire bottle, the light will only part out!

Domestic natural pest control - Ants

Domestic natural pest control, specific strategies - Ants

The ants forage individually and when they find release special chemicals to attract and guide other ants. So if you have an invasion of ants is very useful to clean all surfaces where they were going to clear the chemical traces they left behind.

If you know where they are going but you can not cover it, you can apply various oils or powders that repel ants. For example, these insects shun talcum powder, laundry soap, or cayenne pepper (cayenne Watch as eye irritation!) You can also spray the surface where they are going with fresh garlic or juice lemon, leaving a shell of the same time.

In certain seasons (spring and fall mainly when just going to change the climate) ants are large-scale removals. This may seem worrisome, because suddenly you can see millions of ants crawling up the wall or floor, inside or outside the house. But these are times when you should you worry less. Let pass, most likely not be in an hour not a single sign that they were there. If you disturb the worse, because they can lose their way and end up settling in your house, what besides attacking approach them! If you find you are staying at home, the easiest way to eradicate them is to use the vacuum.

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Natural pest control - specific strategies for Cockroaches

It is said that when you die all other species on the planet, the cockroaches will live ... Although they are nasty and annoying, the worst thing you can do with cockroaches is to apply chemical insecticides. Cockroaches reproduce constantly, a habit that makes them very adaptable to changes in their environment, including poisons. Some people would say that the war against cockroaches is one that simply can not be won. Regardless if they are right or not, it is best to enter the battle with weapons that at least do not hurt you or your family.

Ask a roach trap: Put a piece of raw potato in a glass bottle (if she had milk, juice, soft drink or something else equally sticky, the better.) Grease the inside of the bottle neck for that cockroaches can enter but not exit .

Make balls cockroach repellents: wearing gloves, make a mixture of boric acid, flour , sugar and beer. Form balls and leave them in places where you've seen roaches. Proportions do not matter much, only that boric acid should be the main ingredient.

Apply boric acid powder or paste: Apply a very thin layer (barely visible) in places where cockroaches hide like under the stove, refrigerator and dishwasher. Serves not apply in larger quantities. Boric acid is a strong acid and therefore should not be used on food preparation surfaces or places within the reach of children. You can buy it at a hardware store or some supermarkets.

What is annoying to have an invasion of insects in the house! Fortunately, there are both old and new strategies to eliminate these pests home. Here is a collection of methods to get rid of cockroaches, ants, flies, mosquitoes, moths and fleas without using chemicals or insecticides.

If other strategies do not work, there are chemical traps for cockroaches. These products contain toxic but the way they minimize the possibility of contact with pets, children and adults. These traps are a tiny charolitas with stones that are toxic to cockroaches. They get under the sink, stove, refrigerator, etc.. and is much better than using an insecticide general.

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