Flies - invasion of flies in the yard

The best way to prevent flies and mosquitoes in the house is to install mesh screens on the doors and windows and ensure that this does not have holes. To treat an invasion of flies in the yard can use a trap. There are several styles that you can get at hardware stores or supermarkets, or you can make a homemade trap. The simplest is made ​​by cutting strips of recycled paper (can be paper, notebook paper, paper gift , etc.) and brushing with honey or syrup.

Another option is to cut the neck of a soda bottle, invert to form a funnel into the bottle and stick well, leaving something sweet in the bottle (you can leave some of the same drink.) So flies enter through the funnel but can not find the exit. If you do not like seeing all the dead flies that accumulate in the bottle, you can paint the bottom half of the bottle of black or other opaque paint used. It is important to let the top unpainted because flies fly into the light. If you paint the entire bottle, the light will only part out!

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